The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) describes Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) as a process which validates that the performance of materials, components, assemblies, systems, and design achieve the objectives and requirements as established by the Owner.
BECx is woven into the project timeline with the purpose of reducing the cost of delivering construction projects and increasing value to owners, occupants, and users.
The following standard practices and guidelines provide detailed information on BECx and the Commissioning process. Consistently following these published guidelines can ensure the commissioned building enclosure has been carefully planned and constructed in a way that meets the needs and expectations of the Owner.
- NIBS Guideline 3-2012: Building Enclosure Commissioning Process
- ASTM E2813-18 Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning
- ASTM E2947-21a: Standard Guide For Building Enclosure Commissioning
- ASHRAE Guideline 0-2019: The Commissioning Process
- ASHRAE Standard 202-2018: Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems

Pre-Design Services
- The focus is on defining project expectations
- Develop/assist in Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) Document
- Preliminary Commissioning Plan
- Evaluate design concepts against OPR and the Architect’s design intent
- Commissioning Process Progress Report
Design Services
- The focus is on quality assurance
- Develop and document commissioning specification, establish commissioning team, and identify responsibilities
- Review of Basis of Design (BOD) document
- Preparation of construction checklists
- Technical peer review of drawings and specifications
- Update OPR Document
- Refine/finalize Commissioning Plan
- BECx reports
- Coordinate Pre-Bid Meetings and briefing of construction management team
Pre-Construction Services
- The focus switches to quality control and verification
- Bid evaluations
- Mock-up shop drawings and submittal review assistance
- Oversee construction of mock-up and performance testing with documentation, observations, comments, and recommendations
- Verify material/assembly compatibility
- Coordinate pre-construction commissioning meetings
- Review construction sequencing and scheduling
Construction Services
- A continued focus on quality control and verification
- Field deficiency and action item logs
- Field testing review
- Attendance at relevant site meetings
- Materials submittal review
- Performance mock-up observation
- Quality control & assurance
- Shop drawing review
- Site observations and reporting
- Visual mock-up review
- Close-out report
Occupancy and Operations Services
- The focus switches to Owner training and maintenance
- Review of close-out report
- Training of facility maintenance personnel
- Pre-expiration of warranty review
- Review of Current Facility Requirements (CFR)
- Re-commissioning and on-going commissioning

Define Project Expectations
Pre-Design is a preparatory phase of the project delivery process in which the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) are established and general information about the overall project is gathered

Quality Assurance
The Design Phase is comprised of tasks that verify the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) are comprehensively outlined, detailed and specified in the Contract Documents

Quality Control and Verification
During the Construction Phase, the project is validated through observations and testing, to verify it meets the criteria established during the Design Phases
Owner Training and Maintenance
During the Occupancy and Operations Phase, the on-going operation, maintenance, and modification of the facility systems and assemblies, and their associated documentation, are verified against the OPR.

Get In Touch.
If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you soon!